Lip Enhancement

From £180

At Subtil Bridie loves to focus on balance, proportions and natural results. This also applies to lip enhancement where Bridie believes lips should be plumped without looking obviously 'done'

Using lip fillers we can not only increase the volume but also restore balance and proportion to the face by evening out any asymmetry and even improving fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth for a more youthful, fresh faced look.

Bridie will consult with you individually to discuss your desired look and specific concerns in order to create a bespoke treatment plan and provide an outcome that, both, she and you are completely happy with.

  • *The body reabsorbs lip filler within around 6-12 months. The speed in which it is reabsorbed depends on a number of factors including the age of the patient, their exercise habits, speed of their metabolism and whether they smoke. As with all dermal filler treatments, filler lasts longer when built up gradually over time with repeated treatments. Each client is different and this is important to remember.

    Note: hot climates, smoking, sunbeds and fast metabolisms all speed up the breakdown of filler.

  • I will only ever use hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers. They are non-permanent and completely reversible from the time they are administered, until the time they are reabsorbed. So, in the unlikely event you didn't like the results, I can reverse them in seconds.

    I choose to work only with the top brands of FDA-approved dermal filler on the market. We can discuss the reasons for my choice in your consultation and I will always counsel you on the specific product I think best suits your individual lip based on their various properties.

  • Any discomfort will be pretty minimal. I use prescription strength numbing cream during the procedure to make it as comfortable as possible. Some of the filler we use contains anesthetic which also reduces the discomfort factor. I am incredibly gentle with my technique and will do everything to make it as pleasant as possible for you.


All lip treatments carried out are entirely bespoke and results will depend upon your desired results and natural anatomy, which will be discussed in detail during the consultation process.

The lip menu is designed as a visualisation tool to guide clients with pricing of treatment and the booking process. If you’re having difficulty deciding we can do it on the day together.

0.5ml premium grade dermal filler treatment for lip enhancement. Perfect for: top-ups, minor asymmetry correction, hydration boost & petite lips.

0.7-0.8ml premium grade dermal filler treatment for lip enhancement. Perfect for: top-ups, asymmetry correction, hydration boost & subtle volume.

1.0ml premium grade dermal filler treatment for lip enhancement. Perfect for: improving volume, enhancing shape, hydration boost & significant asymmetry.

1.2ml premium grade dermal filler treatment for lip enhancement. Perfect for: improved contour, volume + hydration, and hyper-real transformation.

Perfect for someone who would like a reversal of their lip filler without any re-treatment.

A fresh start, perfect for those who have lip filler that has migrated or are unhappy with their shape. This includes committing to two appointments (dissolve and refill).


“I have naturally very thin lips which I've always wanted to be fuller, but was put off by the thought of them appearing "overdone". Bridie has truly managed to achieve "my lips but better", keeping my natural lip shape but enhancing it to give my lips more definition, and slightly lifting the corners of my mouth to cure my "resting bitch face"! I feel so much more comfortable in myself and more confident wearing lip products which draw attention to my mouth.”

— Grace